China+World Express Parcel Shipping
Mainland China $250
| Mainland China ( 7- 12 Business Days -HK SpeedPost/ SF Express)
Worldwide Light Parcel (HK Post) $200
| International Light Parcel (only applicable to Teddy Bear,Selected Preserved Flower - HK Post)
Asia - HK Post $280
| Singapore (5-12 Business Days - HK Post)
| Taiwan (5-12 Business Days - HK Post)
| Japan (5-12 Business Days - HK Post)
| South Korea (5-12 Business Days - HK Post)
| Malaysia (10-15 Business Days - HK Post)
| Vietnam (10-15 Business Days - HK Post)
Asia - DHL/HK SpeedPost $410
| Singapore (2 -5 Business Days - DHL / HK SpeedPost)
| Taiwan ( 2 -5 Business Days - DHL/ HK SpeedPost)
| Japan ( 2 -5 Business Days - DHL / HK SpeedPost)
| South Korea ( 2 -5 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
| Vietnam ( 2 -5 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
Australia, NZ - HK Post $420
| Australia (10 - 15 Business Days - HK Post)
| New Zealand (10 - 15 Business Days - HK Post)
Europe - HK Post $470
| Germany (10 - 15 Business Days - HK Post)
| Italy (10 - 15 Business Days - HK Post)
| Spain (10 - 15 Business Days - HK Post)
| United Kingdom (10 - 15 Business Days -HK Post)
| Ireland (10 - 15 Business Days -HK Post)
| France (10 - 15 Business Days - HK Post)
| Netherlands (10 - 15 Business Days - HK Post)
Europe - DHL/HK SpeedPost $780
| Germany ( 5 - 10 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
| Italy ( 5 - 10 Business Days - DHL /HK SpeedPost)
| Spain ( 5 - 10 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
| United Kingdom ( 5 - 10 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
| France ( 5 - 10 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
| Netherlands ( 5 - 10 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
USA,CANADA- HK Post $470
| Canada (10 - 20 Business Days - HK Post)
USA,CANADA- DHL/HK SpeedPost $720
| Canada ( 5 - 10 Business Days - DHL/HK SpeedPost)
Other Countries - HK Post $580
| Other Countries ( 10 - 25 Business Days - HK Post)
* Please note actual delivery time can vary and would be freight company's responsibility. Customers can track delivery status or followup with freight company by parcel tracking number.
* GGB would pass gift to freight company within two business days upon confirming payment.
* On the worldwide gift order form,| the "Delivery Date" field is the date we pass the parcel to freight company, not the date the parcel arrives at destination.